Master the basics of fundamental analysis of stocks with our interactive live classes. Learn how to perform the company’s stocks fundamental analysis and help to find profitable stocks.
About Live Web Classes on Fundamental Analysis
Many investors and traders trade in the share market without knowing the reasons behind the charts. Making stock market predictions based on just looking at the graphs is not enough. A smart trader interprets the reasons behind the price movement. It is vital to understand the reasons behind the moving prices. By joining IFMC online courses on fundamental analysis of stock, we will teach skills required to predict the financial market movements with the tools regarding fundamental analysis.
There are 26 modules to explore, all taught by IFMC Institute expert faculty members packed full of theoretical and practical exercises with real-world examples that will prepare you to turn knowledge into practice. The classes on fundamental analysis are suitable for beginner level investors and traders.
Check Online fundamental Analysis course
In this live classes you will learn:
- What is the fundamental analysis of stocks?
- In depth understanding of fundamental analysis
- Different tools and techniques to do fundamental analysis
- Understanding company analysis, economic analysis, and industry analysis
- How to interpret company’s financial statement
- How to pick up profitable stocks
Who is this course for?
- Investors
- Traders
- Stock Analyst
- Stock Brokers
- Portfolio Managers
- Research Analyst
- Investment Consultant
Program Highlights:
- Face to face interactive sessions
- Doubt clearing sessions
- Experience faculty
- Easy to understand the language
- Theoretical and practical knowledge
Only Limited Seats Available*
Book Your Classes: 9870510511
Batch Starting From 15th January 2024
Detailed Curriculum
Module 1
Introduction of Fundamental Analysis and Difference Between Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis.
Module 2
Factors that affect Fundamental Analysis.
Module 3
What is EMH
Module 4
Time Value of Money.
Interest Rate or Discount Factors
Module 5
Beta and Sharpe Ratio
Module 6
Type of Management (Part 1)
Module 7
Type of Management (Part 2)
Module 8
Type of Management (Part 3)
Module 9
Understanding Financial Statements (Part 1)
Module 10
Understanding Financial Statements (Part 2)
Module 11
Understanding Financial Statements (Part 3)
Module 12
Understanding Financial Statements (Part 4)
Module 13
Understanding Financial Statements (Part 5)
Module 14
Annual Report, Director Report, Cash Flow and Note to accounts
Module 15
Part of Financial Statement, Bonus Issue, Right Issue, Reserve and Inventory
Module 16
Secured and Unsecured Loans, Interest and Finance Charge
Module 17
Comparable and common size financial statements
Module 18
Different Ratios
Module 19
Example of Distressed Companies
Module 20
Book Value, Net worth
Module 21
Evaluation Methodology – Part 1,
PE Values
Top-Down Valuation
Module 22
Evaluation Methodology – Part 2
Relative Valuation & case Study
Module 23
Evaluation Methodology – Part 3
Module 24
Cash Conversion cycle
Gordon Growth Model
Module 25
Evaluation Method of Different Sectors
Module 26